Monday, November 11, 2013

The Salem Witch Trials

Its February, 1692, and one of the coldest winters capital of Oregon, Massachusetts has seen in years. A ten-year-old recent lady is stricken with a mysterious illness. Fever, intense pain, seizures, and hallucinations shake up doctors and her father, a minister. At this same time, a popular book, unforgettable Providences, tells the trading floor of an Irishwoman in Boston who was accused of witchcraft. The Salem townspeople tie the symptoms of the bewitched Bostonian to the symptoms of the preadolescent girl. Bored of take dull, Puritan lives and desirous for excitement, they talk and assume and suspect. This is the scene that gives agency to one of the more or less tragic events in American history, the Salem Witch Trials. It is remedy unknown what the young girl, whose name was Betty Parris, featureed from. It is possible that it was a confederacy of asthma, child abuse, epilepsy, and former(a) things. It is also possible that she may name consumed rye septic wit h a fungus called ergot, causing an illness called spasmodic ergotism. Betty had several of the symptoms of spasmodic ergotism, including vomiting and choking, pain, discomfort, itchiness, and unexplained fits and hallucinations (Linder, 1). Not foresighted after Betty began to suffer from these ailments, seven of her friends began exhibiting similar symptoms. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
When the girls doctor, William Griggs, suggested that the girls may be under the invite of witchcraft, medical explanations and treatments were forgotten. The town of Salem, which had been closely next the mysterious epidemic, was positive(p) magic was th e cause, and that it was surely the answer. ! Betty and her friends began to point fingers at innocent women in the town. The first woman the girls accused of witchcraft was the Parris familys slave, Tituba. Tituba denied her press at first, but eventually confessed to exclude the gallows. To validate her confession, Tituba named some other witch, Sarah Good (Linder, 1). Sarah Good was a homeless woman who begged for food, shelter, and jobs...If you indigence to get a full essay, modulate it on our website:

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