Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Animal Rights

Animal Rights What are animal rights? Animal rights are the signifi layaboutt surety and tr feed inment that all living things deserve. Animal rights are weighty for some reasons. First of all, animal rights protect animals from vicious interposition and slaughter. Secondly, animals are not needed for scientific experiments as some(prenominal) another(prenominal) an(prenominal) another(prenominal) think. Lastly, the human body does not need to eat magnetic core. First of all, animal rights protect animals from cruel treatment and slaughter. 8.5 meg chickens were killed in 1997 and that number is going up (Factory Farmed victuals may Cause a Food Scarcity Crises). 10 million free animals are hunted down and killed dear for the fun of it. Tens of merelyusands of exotic animals are slaughtered each twelvemonth tho for the trophies. Pointless slaughtering can be stopped if animals had the rights that they deserve. Hunting was a necessity 10 0 thousand classs ago simply now there is no real reason. Despite what some(prenominal) state think, animals are not needed for experiments. Each year more than 100 million animals are killed in the States from scientific experiments. Animals that are experimented on are deprived of everything that is inseparable and of import to them. The results of animal experiments can be variable and tardily manipulated. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
The bulk of animal experiments do not contribute to better human health at all. Scientist hasten cured many types of genus Cancer in mice, but it has never worked on humans. As a result, a nimal experiments are cruel and unnecessary.! In addition, many people think that the human body needs meat to be the best it can be, but this is very untrue. Nuts, fruits, and vegetables can soft give people the protein we need. More than two nose glass over studies shake shown that vegetarians have a reduced risk of cancer. umpteen people turn nine kilos of grain protein into one kilogram of meat protein, this is unethical and a waste. Humans need to have respect for all life. In conclusion, there are many reasons to support animal...If you want to get a full essay, vowelize it on our website:

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