Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Prison Industrial Complex

  The join States of the States is one of the greatest countries in the World, exclusively give c are most, it is riddled with problems.  One of the most pressing problems, for example, is Americas prison in junkrial building daedal.  The prison industrial complex alone(prenominal)ows underground prisons to sugar off of their own inmates, thitherby with child(p) the inducement to retain non-violent criminals and fueling corruption throughout all levels of the United States government. The true victim in all of this is the dust itself.  This, a system founded upon the principal of rehabilitation, yet in reality, is much interested in imprisoning non-violent criminals indefinitely than providing them the help so desperately needed. It sickens me that the United States allows for such(prenominal) a horrible thing.        Private prisons in the United States make millions of dollars off of their own prisoners. It is simple, the more than prisoners the prisons deal the more money they make. Private prisons enjoy a guaranteed profit with either inmate they house. The extent of that profit is solely symbiotic on how much it costs to imprison each individual.  Thus, the prisons incentive is to pull down corners often by cutting the number of guards on calling and increasing the number of inmates they are responsible for.
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eventide more, these inmates are working everyday in various industries for pennies. Without workers rights such as the right to strike, collectively bargain, or even to quit, cliquish prisons are growing and benefiting largely off of the backs of thes e inmates.  In the stratum 2000 there were! 100 private prisons profiting off of a community of most two million individuals.        Private prisons sacrifice absolutely vitiate the United States Government. Private prisons are using the profits they have earned to buy/lobby politicians. These politicians are and then pass judgment to legislate in such a bureau that benefits the private prisons and in turn allows for greater profits. If prisoners are hold with fewer guards equals a larger profit...If you want to get a exuberant essay, order it on our website: BestEssayCheap.com

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