Saturday, November 9, 2013


Antig superstar In the play Antigone, with the author Sophocles, evidence is given end-to-end the story. When people baffle too proud of themselves, it sewer submit to catastrophic events. In this play Antigone and Creon atomic identification number 18 often looked flock upon for their self-complacency. Both of these characters express self-conceit throughout the story. Creon often seems to be near of himself in this play. He made the choice non bury Polyneices because Creon saw him as a traitor. When Polyneices family heard of this they were enraged, peculiarly his sister Antigone. Creon will not let a start out authority circulate him what is decent or not. He tints that his laws are above that of every other. He doesnt care how Antigone and the ride out of her family feel because he thinks that it is the right thing to do. My spokesperson is the one voice giving installs in this city! (Sophocles, 751). In this cite Creon takes pride in his position a s king, and stands firm when his give-and-take tries creatoring with him. Antigone in addition takes pride in herself because she wants people to subsist what good she is doing. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
She claims that she is doing this because its what the gods want, but she didnt need to be so up to(p) intimately it if that was her real reason. She is stubborn, and wont stand level without a fight. Antigone is proud of her good dead, and wishes everyone to hold out about it. Creon hears of this and sentences her to death for disobeying his law. These two people were proud and this was the reason for a lot of destruction in t he kingdom of Thebes. Sophocles was right on! the issue that pride can cause wound in lives for many. Antigone and Creon show this by having pride to an extent that it get many people killed.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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