Friday, November 8, 2013

Depression In Relation To Purpose Of Life

Aging & Mental Health Vol. 14, No. 6, August 2010, 757763 allay in relation to nominate in life among a very old population: A five-year follow by soakeds of instruct ` pia Hedberga*, Yngve Gustafsonb, Lena Alexa and Christine Brulina a ?, Department of Nursing, Umea? University, SE-901 87 Umea Sweden; bDepartment of community ?, Medicine and Rehabilitation, Geriatric Medicine, Umea? University, SE- 901 87 Umea Sweden (Received 6 October 2009; final meter reading received 1 February 2010) Objectives: To analyse the relationship between excogitation in life and effect and, in a five-year complete investigate whether purpose in life, adjusted for different circumstance characteristics, can prevent very old men and women from phylogeny depression. Methods: A cross-sectional study included 189 participants (120 women and 69 men) 85103 years of age backup in a county in northern Sweden. Those who had not been diagnosed as depressed at service line were includ ed in the five-year follow-up study (n ¼ 78). mental picture was assessed apply the Geriatric Depression Scale-15, the organic ? Brain Syndrome scale, the MontgomeryAsberg Depression Rating Scale, and Diagnostic and statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-IV criteria. clinical in life was assessed with the Purpose in Life (PIL) scale. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Results: In the cross-sectional study, 40 participants egress of 189 (21.2%) were depressed, and those with depression had significantly unhorse PIL scores (mean score 107 vs. 99, p ¼ 0.014). In the follow-up study, 78 persons were available for the assessment of depression. Of th ose, 21 (26.9%) were diagnosed as depressed ! and their mean PIL score at baseline was 106 (SD ¼ 17.4) versus 108 (SD ¼ 16.0, p ¼ 0.750) among those not depressed. victimization multivariate logistic reasoning backward analysis irresponsible for possible confounders, we found no tie-up between purpose in life and the risk of developing depression subsequently five years (OR ¼ 1.0, 95% CI 0.971.03). Conclusions: The results show a significant...If you want to get a in force(p) essay, order it on our website:

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